Retreats That Make an Impact
Practical Resources to Plan & Lead LIFE-CHANGING Retreats!
Retreats are an incredible way of building genuine relationships and helping young people take their relationship with Christ to a deeper level. Retreats can also become routine. This can sap the vitality, depth and growth of a retreat event. Especially in a world full of uncertainty and change, seeking God’s will for how a retreat can be an epicenter of deep discipleship, student engagement and biblical empowerment is crucial.
Retreats That Make an Impact helps youth workers explore and plan retreat experiences in new, fresh and deeper ways. Whether you're planning a one day get-away, a weekend experience or a week-long camp/mission, the insights in this resource will equip you to engage students in every step of the process
- developing a theme
- incorporating the theme into every aspect of the retreat
- decorations
- main sessions
- atmosphere & visuals
- pre & post retreat student planning worksheets